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Talking About Psychedelic Experiences in Your Blogs: A Guide

Write Truthfully Based on Personal Experience

To become a successful psychedelic writer, it’s crucial to share your genuine psychedelic experiences. People value authenticity and seek a connection with individuals who have firsthand knowledge. However, it’s important to avoid exaggeration or false claims, as seasoned psychedelic users can easily detect them. Moreover, not every psychedelic experience is profound or healing, and it’s essential to convey that reality. Don’t conform to a standardized template for psychedelic wellness blogs; let your unique voice shine through.

Your writing should allow readers, including potential clients or employers, to get to know you better. This extends beyond sharing your experiences and includes your network and affiliations within the psychedelic community. Word-of-mouth referrals and personal connections play a significant role in securing contracts, so be sure to highlight your involvement in local psychedelic societies or participation in relevant conferences.

Consider Your Target Audience

Before writing about psychedelics, it’s essential to consider who your audience will be. Are you targeting friends, family, or potential clients? Understanding their knowledge and openness to unconventional experiences will help you tailor your language and tone accordingly. For readers well-versed in psychedelics, you can delve into more technical details. However, when writing for skeptics, it’s wise to focus on the potential benefits of psychedelics, such as treating depression and anxiety, rather than delving into complex neurological explanations. Consider a scientific approach and reference credible studies to establish credibility and avoid appearing overly mystical. Be cautious of inadvertently alienating readers or mocking their beliefs; adapt your writing to their level of receptiveness.

Use Precise Terminology

When discussing personal experiences with psychedelics, it’s important to use accurate terminology. This ensures that readers fully grasp the concepts being discussed and facilitates meaningful conversations about psychedelics. Key terms to include are “psychedelic,” “set and setting,” “psychedelic-assisted therapy,” and “psychedelic integration.” Consider providing explanations or a glossary for less common terms to enhance reader comprehension. Additionally, be mindful of the potential misinterpretation of words and their impact on readers. Promote safe practices for mental health and self-care through language that encourages “self-exploration” or “mindful use of psychedelics,” while avoiding language that glamorizes risk-taking or overstates psychedelics’ effectiveness as treatment.

Discussing Benefits and Risks with Context

When writing about psychedelic experiences, it’s crucial to address both the benefits and risks involved. Depending on the specific topic, you might choose to emphasize one over the other. For example, if advising on psychedelics for personal growth or therapy, highlight the potential benefits in a dose-dependent manner. On the other hand, when discussing recreational use, focus more on understanding and managing the associated risks. Remember that both benefits and risks should always be acknowledged and mentioned in your writing.

Addressing the Legal Implications of Psychedelic Use and Possession

When discussing risks, it is essential to consider the legal consequences of using, possessing, and selling psychedelics. Laws regarding psychedelic substances vary depending on the jurisdiction. Advising readers to stay informed about local regulations related to psychedelics’ possession, sale, cultivation, or manufacture can help protect them from legal issues such as fines, imprisonment, or civil lawsuits.

Keep in mind that psychedelic laws are subject to change, and staying updated on the latest information is vital. While decriminalization may occur in some places, it is more common to see tightening of regulations and scheduling of grey-market research chemicals.

Contextualize your writing by providing harm reduction information. It is crucial to avoid incriminating yourself or others when discussing psychedelic use. Refrain from disclosing specific locations, names of individuals, or participants without their consent if it involves activities that may fall into the category of legal ambiguity. Additionally, protect yourself by including appropriate disclaimers and terms of use on your website and any other platforms where your blogs are published.

Maintain Open-Mindedness and Respect for Other Perspectives

When writing about psychedelics, it is important to honor diverse perspectives and experiences within the psychedelic community. Create an inclusive and respectful environment by avoiding judgmental or dismissive language. Fostering open-mindedness encourages readers to share personal stories and anecdotes without fear of criticism or belittlement.

However, it is also important to remain aligned with your values and not endorse harmful or unethical content. If you identify inaccuracies, harm, or unethical information, you are not obligated to present both sides as equal. Consider the potential harm involved and make informed decisions about the content you promote, ensuring the well-being of your readers.

Start Writing and Share Your Experiences!

Now that you have guidance on writing about psychedelic experiences, it’s time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and start sharing your insights. It may not always be easy to navigate the various considerations mentioned, but with reflection and thought, you can create meaningful and impactful blog posts.


Q: How can I become a successful psychedelic writer?

A: Share your genuine psychedelic experiences, be honest and authentic, and establish connections within the psychedelic community.

Q: How should I adjust my writing style based on my audience?

A: Tailor your language and tone according to your readers’ knowledge and openness to unconventional experiences.

Q: What terminology should I use when writing about psychedelics?

A: Utilize precise and proper terminology, such as “psychedelic,” “set and setting,” and “psychedelic-assisted therapy,” and consider providing explanations for less common terms.

Q: How should I address the legal implications of psychedelic use in my writing?

A: Advise readers to stay informed about local psychedelic laws regarding possession, sale, cultivation, or manufacture to help protect them from legal consequences.

Q: How can I foster an open-minded and respectful environment in my blogs?

A: Avoid judgmental and dismissive language, respect diverse perspectives, and create a safe space for readers to share their own experiences.

Dr. Jen Chalmers
Dr. Jen Chalmers
Dr. Jen Chalmers is an accomplished writer and cannabis enthusiast. With a Ph.D. in Botany and years of experience as a researcher, she brings a scientific perspective to her captivating articles on cannabis news, recipes, and the fascinating world of psychedelics.

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