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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

How to Dose CBD – Wake and Bake

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In today’s episode, ‘EP 204 – How to Dose CBD?’. We’re going to dive into the world of CBD sharing our insights on finding the dose for you.

Answering the question, “How do I dose CBD?” Can be a bit complicate it, but we’ve simplified it and are breaking it down in this short episode.

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We’ll discuss the importance of patience and observation when starting with CBD. It’s not just about finding a dose but noticing how it impacts you over time. Some people might find a low dose of CBD stimulating, like a cup of coffee, while others need a higher dose for issues like sleep or pain.

We’ll also talk about:

  • The safety of CBD compared to common medications like Tylenol
  • How some people might find a low dose of CBD stimulating, like a cup of coffee, while others need a higher dose for issues like sleep or pain.
  • Understanding the numbers and measurements on CBD products
  • Whether or not you can fail a drug test from CBD
  • Whether you can accidentally get high from taking too much
  • What ideal tracking looks like (plus you’ll get the free dosage tracker)

Remember, using CBD effectively requires a consistent approach. It’s a trial and error process, so don’t give up if you don’t see immediate results. Tune in to explore these topics and more, helping you find the right CBD dose for your needs.

Show Resource Links:

WIN AN ARDENT and a Scholarship to the Certified Cannabis Educator Program in November 2023: https://wakeandbake.co/cannabis-wellness-giveaway/

Download the CBD Tracker in this post: https://wakeandbake.co/cannabis-tracking-101-how-to-dose-cbd-thc-cbg-and-more-plus-a-free-cannabis-dosage-tracker/

CBD Oil Corinne Uses: https://wakeandbake.co/full-spectrum-cbd-tincture

Hemp Derived THC/CBD Gummy Corinne Uses: https://wakeandbake.co/Thc-gummy

CBD Oil Recipe: https://wakeandbake.co/homemade-cbd-oil-recipe/

Become a Certified Cannabis Educator in as little as 12 Weeks and get paid to talk and write about cannabis: cannabiscoachinginstitute.com/ccep

Use the code WAKEANDBAKE for $30 off at Ardent Cannabis: https://wakeandbake.co/ardent-cannabis

Visit Andrea at Reveal Cannabis: www.revealcannabis.com

Email us with questions and requests at [email protected] 

How to Dose CBD Transcript

EP 204 – How to dose CBD?

 This week on the Wake + Bake podcast. 

Corinne Tobias: if you give it the time to find a product that works and to figure out a dose and to notice what’s actually happening, what changes are occurring that can really be a big game changer for a lot of folks who can be helped by this plant.

Andrea Meharg: For lots of people, a low dose of CBD can be alerting or stimulating kind of like a cup of coffee.

Corinne Tobias: If you want to sleep, bada bing, bada boom, 25 milligrams. You want to, you have pain? Uh, here we go. 

Andrea Meharg: And if you didn’t read the Tylenol bottle and you took too much, you could actually kill yourself. But if you didn’t read the CBD bottle and you took the whole bottle, you’re going to be fine. You might have a little bit of diarrhea.

Corinne Tobias: Will you get high? Will you get high if you drank a whole bottle of CBD?

Andrea Meharg: you can actually with even that small, tiny amount of THC fail drug tests with CBD 

Corinne Tobias: and I would be to the moon. You’d be toast. Yeah. I’d be toast. 

Corinne Tobias: So Andrea, you’ve been a Cannabis Educator for many years now. I’ve been doing the same thing.

 I would say one of the most confusing things for people is CBD, how to dose, how to know exactly how much to take. Would you 

Andrea Meharg: agree? 

A hundred percent. Yes. CBD dosing specifically. 

Corinne Tobias: So why do you think it’s so hard for people? 

Andrea Meharg: Well, we can start with just like the bottle itself. I have a bottle of CBD oil that we can buy up here in Canada.

And just by looking at this, I can not tell at all how much I should be taking of this. 

Corinne Tobias: What do you mean? 

Andrea Meharg: Okay. So on here I have a whole bunch of numbers. It says that there’s less than 2. 5 milligrams per gram of THC, that there is 2. 37 milligrams of THC per activation that there’s 25 milligram see, it just goes on and on and on. So it tells me all of these numbers, but nowhere on here, unlike a bottle of Tylenol or anything else that, you know, you can usually pick up, which says, you know, take one to two capsules. This is nothing. I have zero information on here. 

Corinne Tobias: That says nothing. Okay. Let’s see, let’s see what mine say.

Okay. I’ve got one right here and this is a full spectrum and it tells me like how much is in a bottle and. It tells me that there’s 30 milligrams per serving, right? And then on the other side, it says adults take one dropper full or more one or more times daily put in mouth and swallow. Okay. So it tells one dropper full.

 And, um, this other one was, first of all, the text is so small and I don’t feel like, I’m that old, but I can barely read this and it says, um, Take one dropper full up to eight times daily, not to exceed eight times.

That equals, oh my gosh, there’s so much math I have to do just to figure this out a lot and it’s, um, this one’s like a super CBD. Like it says a lot of really confusing stuff on my label as well. And yeah, it’s really confusing. 

 And that’s just the bottles, right? That’s just the things that we can see. We have three different bottles. They have three different, um, pieces of guidance, I guess, around CBD dosage, but there’s so or not, or yours, which has absolutely nothing on it. And so that’s just what we can see on the bottle, but there are actually a lot of challenges when it comes to people finding a dose of CBD that works for them.

And this is a big problem because people know about CBD that people are using it, people want to use it and how many people have tried it a few times and like, well, CBD doesn’t work for me.

This is just some kind of a gimmick or how many people are using it and not getting the full benefit because they don’t know exactly how much to take or how to approach dosing CBD, um, in a way that is effective. 

Andrea Meharg: Or people who are taking too much as we’re going to learn in this episode that we could be blowing way past how much I can not believe your bottle says to take eight times a day.

That’s bonkers. 

Corinne Tobias: It’s nuts. And like, that’s throwing money away. This is an out of pocket expense. Even if you’re using it in a way that benefits you medically, it’s still out of pocket. You know, none of this stuff is covered by insurance. So if you’re taking too much, even if it’s giving you a benefit, what if you could be taking half the dose or a quarter of the dose and still be getting the same benefit, but because you’re listening to these bottles or the companies label them eight times a day. I mean, that would mean I would go through this bottle in, you know, just a couple of weeks and it ain’t cheap. So 

Andrea Meharg: yeah, you’d be through it way quicker than that. Yeah, for sure. So today we’re gonna give you our three easy steps for choosing, taking and tracking your CBD so that it can actually work for you, or you can rule it out as an option.

It’s not a miracle thing, it’s not gonna work for everything. 

Corinne Tobias: We’ve been doing this nerdiness scale on the Wake and Bake podcasts this season.

And this is one of the ones that is for absolute beginners. So you don’t have to know anything about cannabis at all to listen to this episode. So please share it. If you know, anyone that might need help with dosing CBD.

Andrea Meharg: However, we are not doctors. We are not giving medical advice. We’re sharing what we know after studying this plant and how to use it for years and years, along with all of the doctors that we’ve worked with over the years.

So just keep that in mind as we begin.

Corinne Tobias: And one huge shout out to CannaKeys. It is our favorite research tool for looking up things like this. We’re trying to find a lot of information about something like CBD, , in a short amount of time. This episode would not be possible without that tool.

So thank you so much. CannaKeys for making this episode possible. 

Andrea Meharg: And make sure you stick around to the end of the episode where we’re going to give you a free dosage tracker , and we will share with you the products and recipes that you can use to make your own CBD oil at home.

Corinne Tobias: But before we get started today, I want to share some messages with you from the people and the companies who have made this episode possible. Here’s a word from our sponsors. This episode of the Wake and Bake podcast is brought to you by the Cannabis Coaching Institute. The Cannabis Coaching Institute is currently enrolling for the Certified Cannabis Educator Program, a 12 week program that gives you everything you need to start helping others understand this powerful plant.

The program includes an eight week cannabis educator program that is focused on science and taught to you by our very own Lead Cannabis Science Educator, Andrea Meharg. Not only will you learn everything that you need to learn in order to start helping others with cannabis, You’ll also get our comprehensive business training.

So you can turn it into a side hustle or a full blown career move. And as little as 12 weeks, you’ll be able to step into the world as a confident cannabis educator, delivering workshops, hosting retreats, putting on podcasts, writing blog posts or books and more, if you’re interested and want to know more about starting this type of business.

Take our free class today, Three Steps to Launching a Cannabis Wellness Business. It is super fun and you can comment, it’s interactive, and you also get a free gift at the end. Check out the link below or visit CannabisCoachingInstitute. com slash three, number three, steps. We’ll see you inside. This episode is also brought to you by Ardent Cannabis.

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Hey, Wake and Bake listener, do you want to know who my favorite cannabis educator is? Spoiler alert, it’s Andrea Maharg. Now I’m popping in here because I know that Andrea is too Canadian and too polite to say, go look at all of my awesome stuff on YouTube, but I’m here to tell you that you need to go and check out all the stuff that she’s made.

She has hundreds of videos about cannabis and health. She’s got recipes, DIY tips, interviews with cannabis professionals. It is amazing. So when this podcast is over today and you are missing her buttery, smooth, Canadian, sweet molasses voice, check out our YouTube channel. It’s reveal cannabis. I’ll put a link below.

Corinne Tobias: So Andrea say I’m one of your clients and I was trying to figure out CBD dosing. What is step number one?

Andrea Meharg: The first thing that you need to do is find a CBD oil that actually works. And in order to do that, you have to ask a whole bunch of questions.

The first one you’re going to want to know is, is it a full spectrum product or is it an isolate product? 

Corinne Tobias: What does that mean? 

Andrea Meharg: Full spectrum means that they have taken the plant, this, the cannabis plant itself, and they’ve taken all of the constituents off of it. So all of the cannabinoids, all of the terpenes, all of the good stuff, and it’s all in your CBD oil as well.

It’s a really small amount of THC under the legal limit, but it means that you have access to all the other beautiful medicine that’s in that plant. If you’re using an isolated product, it means that they have stripped through some really like scary processes sometimes the cannabinoids are the CBD off of the plant and it’s only CBD. And we know that CBD by itself in an isolate does not work as well as the full spectrum or broad spectrum products. 

Corinne Tobias: So now i, I have a full spectrum product what else do I have to look for?

Andrea Meharg: You want to know what the product was infused into. So oftentimes that’s MCT oil and it bothers lots of people’s stomachs.

So look at that and see what it is. if you’re sensitive to MCT oil, See if you can find a product that’s infused into olive oil instead . You’re also going to want to look at how that plant was grown if you can find that information, like it’s almost impossible to find without lots of digging.

But if you’re looking for a great product, trying to find one that is grown outdoors in the sun by a farmer who loved that plant, that’s a great way to start. It’s not possible for everyone, but just starting with that full spectrum product puts you ahead of the game right out of the gate, 

Corinne Tobias: Okay, great. So I’m looking for a full spectrum product that is, if I am sensitive to MCT oil that’s in something else and hopefully is grown out in the sun by a small family farm, where, where do I find it, Andrea, where is this magical CBD oil?

Andrea Meharg: For lots of people that means making it themselves. And we will share with you recipes down below on how to do that. Um, but here in Canada, there was enough people saying like, Hey, I can’t handle MCT oil that many companies are now infusing into olive oil. And we do have lots of options. So speak up about it as well.

Corinne Tobias: That’s awesome. And I just want to point out, that it’s not hard to make. It’s not a hard thing to DIY. Very easy. 

Andrea Meharg: Yeah, absolutely. If you can boil eggs, you can make CBD oil. I think like it really 

Corinne Tobias: is that easy and it saves so much money again, we’ll talk about that later.

I’m a huge advocate for DIY just because of that, because it’s the easiest way that you can get a product that you know where it came from and how it’s made. 

Andrea Meharg: And if DIY isn’t your thing, we have resources for you in the show notes, both in Canada and the States for where you can get excellent quality CBD medicine.

And that’s step one, right? First we find the medicine that actually works. 

Corinne Tobias: So how much am I supposed to start with? 

Andrea Meharg: Okay, so the common refrain in the cannabis industry that you’re gonna hear over and over again is start low and go slow, which rhymes, but it doesn’t actually mean anything.

And it means something different for THC than it does for CBD anyway. Um, let’s talk about the research first and what it shows. We have so much research how CBD works in the human body. A lot of this research is done on isolated cannabis products or CBD products like we were talking about earlier.

And a lot of this research is specifically focused on how CBD can help with epilepsy. But when I’m scrolling through CannaKeys, I like just have to keep scrolling. Like my finger was hurting 1500 primary studies have been done on this specific compound, including the gold standard of double blind placebo controlled human trials.

We have over 140 of those. And the dosing range in the literature is wide. So CannaKeys says that it goes between one and 50 milligrams per kilogram per day. Again, we’re doing all this math all the time.

Killing me. 

Corinne Tobias: Okay. Hang on. We need to wait, hang on. Pause. I need to pause right there. You just heard it out. I told the people they could chill cause it wasn’t going to be super nerdy. But what you’re saying is that we’ve got a ton of literature. We’ve got a ton of research, but it’s mostly for an isolated compound and a pharmaceutical product.

So we don’t know that much about this full spectrum thing that you were talking about before, or do we? 

Andrea Meharg: We don’t have, in general, we don’t have very much literature on full spectrum but what we really have here is the safety parameters for CBD. We have given humans so much CBD and we know what are the negative potential consequences and also what it can help.

So although these trials are using isolates and they’re not maybe directly correlated to what we’re going to do in our own homes, it does help us just understand like how safe this medicine is. And the answer, short answer, super, super safe. 

Corinne Tobias: Okay. So it’s super, super safe. And if I were to read literature myself, it would make me do crazy, uh, Canadian math, just the worst, tell me how, how much, how much do I start with?

Andrea Meharg: This is again, from working with and talking to healthcare professionals in the field and what they’re actually doing on the ground in their practice is most people are starting around five milligrams of CBD as a very baseline low dose.

And you would take that twice a day. So a total of 10 milligrams a day of CBD is where most people start. And that will help you to have a baseline and not kind of like take too much in your first few doses so that you might be like overshooting how much you need. It could also take you a while to get up to the dose that’s actually going to work for you because five milligrams per dose twice a day i, it doesn’t work for too many people to start. 

Corinne Tobias: Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. So I’m getting you. So I started five milligrams twice a day, which is like a third of this label, what this label says. So I started at a much lower dose. And then you said, you know, you, cause you could start off and overshoot it. How would I know if like five milligrams twice a day was too much, you know, or how do I know when it’s too much? How do I know when it’s the right dose? 

Andrea Meharg: That is one of the weird things about CBD dosing that makes it so much different than THC dosing is that because the side effects of CBD, even at high doses are really mild, the most commonly reported side effect is actually diarrhea.

Um, and you have to take a lot of CBD to experience that, but most people don’t notice massive shifts in their life with CBD. Their anxiety might be lowered. They might feel less pain. They might be having a little bit of a better day. Um, but you can take a lot of CBD and not necessarily feel so much better than if you would have taken a much lower dose. Unlike THC you take too much and you’re like, Oh, you know, immediately that that was too much of a dose and you don’t take that much again. Some people will take too high of a dose of CBD. Maybe they start with 50 milligrams a day. And they’re like, Oh, this is really working. Like I’m feeling better, but maybe they could have felt better on 10 milligrams, which is much cheaper.

Corinne Tobias: Okay. So I’m being a good CBD human and I’m taking my dose, my five milligram dose in the morning and my five milligram dose at night. And I’m not seeing any changes.

I’m not seeing any benefit at all. When do I increase the dose? 

Andrea Meharg: Yeah, such a good question. Although I just want to point out that for most people that I work with as a Cannabis Coach, um, they take their CBD in the morning and in the early afternoon. And that’s because for lots of people, a low dose of CBD can be alerting or stimulating kind of like a cup of coffee.

 On the flip side, if you’re one of those people who can’t fall asleep at night, because your mind is racing with anxious thoughts, or you have that monkey mind taking a dose of CBD at night might be really helpful for you to sleep.

So you kind of have to figure that out in this whole trial and error process that is how cannabis works for everyone. But if you’re finding that that dose twice a day, isn’t working on the advice of Dr. Bonni Goldstein, and if you haven’t listened to that episode yet, like, please go listen to it. It’s about children with autism, but it’s about so much more than that.

So go check that out. She recommends for her clients that they stay at the dose for a full week before they move up to the new dose. So staying at that five milligram dose and then increasing by five to 10 milligrams each week is a way to move up slowly . You’ll feel it right if you’re using CBD for anxiety, when you’re at the right dose, you’ll start to realize like it’s not controlling your life. And if you’re using CBD to help with inflammation, when you’re at that right dose, you’ll be able to continue on with your gardening or your walking or whatever throughout the day.

When you hit that dose, whatever it is for you, five milligrams twice a day, 35 milligrams twice a day. That’s when you stop and you continue just at that dose until you might need a dose change again. 

Corinne Tobias: So that’s for like, if I’m, I’m approaching CBD from the lens of like, I have anxiety, I want to chill out or I pain, but you mentioned sleep, which I know is one of the top three reasons that surveyed that people use CBD for.

So if I were to use it for sleep and I didn’t want that cup of coffee effect, where would I start with CBD? 

Andrea Meharg: I would still start at night with you at five milligrams because maybe a five milligram dose for you calms that down and allows you to drift off to sleep. Maybe you need 50 milligrams it’s going to take you a while to figure out what that is, but starting at five is still a great place.

Corinne Tobias: And if it’s stimulating for me at five, would I make a bigger jump in the evening or would I go up still like five? Like if it’s keeping me up, I don’t want to keep taking that dose over and over again. Just like a little bit at a time and staying up. 

Andrea Meharg: Yeah. It’s such a good thing to point out. There’s something weird that happens with many cannabinoids is that at low doses and high doses, they can produce opposite effects. The same thing can happen with sleep. So at low doses of CBD, many people find it alerting and at higher doses and by higher doses, I’m talking about doses of 50 milligrams plus, um, many people don’t find that alerting effect. If you find it alerting on night one at five milligrams, like don’t jump to 50 and like hope that that’s going to happen. But you can move up your dosing with CBD in like decent 10 milligram, um, chunks kind of thing.

These are just suggestions again, that we’ve learned over all the years, but there are many different factors that can help it to work better. 

Again, this is a super non toxic, super low side effect, plant medicine for many, many people. And while you’re in the trial and error phase of figuring out what works for you, it’s okay if you do different things. 

Corinne Tobias: Andrea, I was really hoping that we would come onto this podcast and unlike every other topic in cannabis that you would just be able to go, Hey, here’s the dose. And this is going to work for you. If you want to sleep, bada bing, bada boom, 25 milligrams. You want to, you have pain? Uh, here we go. Like, you know, I was really kind of hoping that there’d be like more of a a formula, like you said, that that’s on the, you know, on the Tylenol bottle, it’s like, take two of these and, and whatever happens happens.

Andrea Meharg: And if you didn’t read the Tylenol bottle and you took too much, you could actually kill yourself. But if you didn’t read the CBD bottle and you took the whole bottle, you’re going to be fine. You might have a little bit of diarrhea. You know, like that’s, I also wish that I could give you the roadmap for successful CBD dosing.

And I have to tell you that my very first client as a Cannabis Coach is like five years ago, I thought I had figured it out. She was in her early seventies and she came to me because she wanted to try CBD specifically. She didn’t want any of the, you know, Devil’s Lettuce. And she was having a hard time with arthritis pain, making it so that she couldn’t do the things that she loves.

She loved volunteering, um, gardening, going to the church, and she was just feeling like she couldn’t get out and do that kind of thing. So she started with a dose of five milligrams of CBD twice a day. And within a couple of days, she called me and said, Oh my gosh, I am feeling so much better. And she was like, back up doing her activities. And she stayed at that five milligram dose as far as the last time I heard this whole time. So like five years and she’s still doing well. And I, I was so proud of myself. I thought I had like cracked the code. I was such a good Cannabis Coach. Look at her go and literally for not another client yet in all these five years has the first dose that we started at worked. But it’s worth the investment of a week of starting at a low dose and seeing how you react to the product and if everything’s okay, and then moving up slowly. So yeah, it’s complicated.

Corinne Tobias: Yeah. But like say she would have started on her own. She would have read one of these bottles. She would have been taking, you know, 10 times as much, right. And that’s 10 times as much money for five years. Like that’s, you’ve saved her a lot of money and she has something that works for her. That’s awesome.

And before we move on from this dosing conversation and talk about how to keep track of all of this. I do have a couple of more questions because these are questions that we get all the time about CBD. And you just mentioned that whole, like you can have a whole bottle of CBD and you’re not going to die in like Tylenol.

Will you get high? Will you get high if you drank a whole bottle of CBD?

Andrea Meharg: CBD is not intoxicating, so you’re not going to feel out of control, but for some people, especially people who are really sensitive to THC, and remember we’re starting with a product that probably has a minute amount of THC in it, but if you took that whole bottle, that might equal out to, you know, two, three milligrams of THC, which for some people is overwhelming. So yeah, if you drank the whole bottle of CBD, you might feel a little tiny bit high for a while, but no, lots of people describe CBD at the right dose as like a warm hug or a feeling of calm. I remember the first time I found the dose for me, it was like turning the volume down on my anxiety.

It was still there, but I couldn’t hear those anxious thoughts as loud as I could hear the other thoughts of like, what a beautiful day it is, or my children are wonderful. Um, so yeah, once you find the dose, you will know. 

Corinne Tobias: You will. And, and I did want to say, cause I just did a quick math on one of these bottles.

If I drink this whole bottle, it’ll be 30 milligrams of THC in this one. And I would be to the moon. You’d be toast. Yeah. I’d be toast. I have very low tolerance for THC. So I specifically, I would be to the moon. So I just wanted to say that. Yeah. You have to look at your thing. Obviously don’t drink an entire bottle of CBD.

That’s not what we’re advocating here at all. 

Andrea Meharg: But even if you did drink the whole bottle of CBD with the 30 milligrams of THC, you’d be off to the moon and tomorrow you’d be okay. As opposed to again, the Tylenol bottle, you wouldn’t be. Like you can do serious damage and kill yourself, but this is a beautiful plant medicine.

Yeah. So I’m going to 

Corinne Tobias: say like, if I, if I, yeah, but I was going to add to your soapbox. Cause I was like, if I woke up the next day, I’d probably be like, I’d have some insights. I’d live my life differently. Like every time I’ve accidentally taken too much THC, I wake up the next day, sometimes feeling a little groggy, but most of the time I’m like oh, I’ve seen a part of myself that I didn’t see before. So there’s that piece as well. The other question that we get a lot of is, will I fail a drug test if I take CBD? 

Andrea Meharg: Totally possible. Yeah. Especially if you are using CBD and you get drug tested, you shouldn’t be using a full spectrum product. You should be using an isolated product so that you know that there’s no THC in there and you’d have to adjust your dosing accordingly.

We know that isolates um, have a, a smaller therapeutic window and they have more side effects. You could still find a dose that would work for you. Um, but yeah, you, you can actually with even that small, tiny amount of THC fail drug tests with CBD dosing. 

Corinne Tobias: What about things like broad spectrum CBD products? 

Andrea Meharg: We didn’t talk about broad spectrum off the top, but it’s just another term in the CBD world that means they’ve taken everything from the plant.

And put it into your CBD oil and then they have a removed the THC. So there should be zero THC in that, but it still has the other beautiful cannabinoids from the plant and terpenes, et cetera. So that’s another choice. It is, however, my personal opinion that again, if you’re drug tested and you need to, you need your job, then avoid cannabis, because I don’t think, I don’t think the trade off’s worth it.

Corinne Tobias: And you’re saying even avoid hemp because when you say avoid cannabis, my brain goes to like, well, smoking joints, of course, I’m not going to do that. But CBD is like in sodas and like all these things, you know, so you’re just saying just avoid it altogether. 

Andrea Meharg: The good news about almost all of the commercial products like CBD soda and CBD gummies is that they’re using isolates.

So do your research, but you’re probably buying like an isolated product there anyway. 

 So, so far just to recap, we’ve, we’ve covered step one, which is probably by a full spectrum product, but you know, maybe not for everybody.

And step two, which is start with a really low dose of CBD, maybe around five milligrams twice a day, um, and then move up at certain intervals. But then to put this all together, the thing that always needs to happen and what we’re always asking people to do is track. Corinne, You just went down the tracking rabbit hole. So can you tell us all about it, please?

Corinne Tobias: Yeah. So we always talk about how tracking is so important, but it is one of the most difficult things to get people to do consistently. And there are all these ways that you can track nowadays. There are apps that you can use that are all these trackers all over the internet. And when Andrea and I talked to Dr. Bonni Goldstein, which again, listen to that podcast, if you haven’t already, cause it’s incredible.

I was taking notes as we were editing and I was writing down all of these things that we learned from her. And when I was thinking about tracking, I realized that a lot of these trackers are designed in a way that doesn’t follow this wait a week to go slow, see what’s actually working for you. Instead, what a lot of these trackers do is like, Hey, did you try a new product today?

Hey, did you do a new thing today? Did you take it at this time or this time? And there are all these variables that you can input. And I was like, well, if we track that way it incentivizes what we all already want to do, which is switch the dose up real quick, or just like try a new product in the middle of the week cause you’re like, Oh, I got this from my friend, Steve. I want to try it. And so when I was listening to that and I was thinking about what would be the best way to approach that I designed this tracker that starts out with that in mind. It’s like, pick your dose for the week and then you’re tracking that throughout the week.

It incentivizes you to be consistent and to stay with one dose and actually see what’s happening with one dose. Now this makes the tracker much more simple than anything that I’ve found to date. And it also makes it so much easier for you to see what’s working and what’s not working with a consistent dose.

So I really not only think that tracking is the most amazing thing I think doing this tracking around one specific dose for a week and then tracking the next week when you change things is the way to do it. 

And so when I was doing all this and I’m like writing out how I would design the best tracker based on what Dr. Bonni Goldstein said , I came up with this tracker and you can get it for free on the link down below. You can download it. It comes with a guide that kind of covers what we’ve talked about today.

And it also has that weekly tracker that will help you figure out what does works best for you. 

Andrea Meharg: Beautiful. I can’t wait to see that. 

Okay. So that was kind of simple, actually.

That was kind of like three easy steps. Well, that was three steps, right? Find a good product, start with a low dose, move up in a consistent fashion and track so that you know when it’s working and what it’s working for. 

Corinne Tobias: So it’s one of those things that could be considered simple, but not easy. it takes a commitment. It takes a commitment to figuring out what actually works for you. And people are kind of flippant about CBD because it doesn’t have those super strong effects. They’re like, I don’t care.

I’ll just, I don’t feel great. I’m going to use it sometimes and not at other times. But if you want to get the most bang for your buck, and if you want something that actually works, that could potentially be life changing for you, right? You and I have both heard from people who have just used CBD products and that have been life changing for them without touching THC at all.

And so if you give it the time to find a product that works and to figure out a dose and to notice what’s actually happening, what changes are occurring that can really be a big game changer for a lot of folks who can be helped by this plant. 

Andrea Meharg: And when it doesn’t work, you know how to move your dose.

You know what to do. Yeah. That’s the thing I love about teaching people about cannabis in general is that it’s, it’s, it feels like really mystical and you know, there is, there’s a lot to figure out, but once you invest just a little bit of time and energy into this, you have a plant medicine that can work with you for the rest of your life.

And that for me is totally worth the investment. 

Okay. So we hope that you go give CBD a real college try and then write to us and tell us like, what happened? Did it work for you? Did the consistent dosing work for you? Were you able to take a much smaller dose than you thought? Tell us everything. We want to hear about it.

Corinne Tobias: And if you happen to be listening to this and it is still November, please come and join us for Cannabis Wellness Month. We are celebrating the ways that this plant and other wellness practices can totally change your life. Uh, we’ve been doing some amazing things all month long. We’ve done guided cannabis meditations, book clubs. We’ve got the dosage tracker involved. And so we’re incentivizing people to use these tools and use these skills to see what cannabis can actually do in your own life. So if you’re listening to this and it’s still November, click below, join the giveaway. It’s totally free. And you can win an Ardent FX, one of our favorite gadgets for making edibles and cannabis DIY products. . And you can also win a scholarship to the Certified Cannabis Educator Program. We’re enrolling now for that program, but you can enter now and you can get in for free. So make sure to enter the contest if you’re joining us in November and we will see you next time. 


Can we please put them at the end now? Let’s put all of our bloopers 

Andrea Meharg: at the very end. Make sure you stick around to the end so that you can hear me yelling at my dog about her vagina. Okay. That’ll, that’ll keep people listening.

Yeah. And 

Corinne Tobias: that laugh too. That was a two fer if we really want to keep people listening. 

Andrea Meharg: I was listening to you. Like, I can’t remember who, and you were like, you can’t have the mic back. That wasn’t my real question.

No, it’s Tammy 

Corinne Tobias: doesn’t count. This doesn’t count. I know. It’s like, I’m such a dick to co host a podcast.

Andrea Meharg: Corinne, what it yes, Corinne, Corinne, you’re better now. Corinne, what are 

Corinne Tobias: your, 

I was just thinking about, I was like, what are we saying next? I probably should be taking a lower dose. They say you can’t get high off CBD. I’m going to try. Yeah. Okay.

Melissa Randalls
Melissa Randalls
Melissa Randalls, a celebrated author and cannabis enthusiast, shares her expertise in crafting tantalizing recipes that combine cannabis and psychedelics, elevating culinary experiences to new heights. Her accessible writing style breaks down stigmas and empowers readers to embark on their own culinary adventures, celebrating the benefits of these ingredients in the kitchen.

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